Estate Planning
Why you should not wait to get this sorted?
Believe it or not, you have an estate. In fact, nearly everyone does.
Your estate consists of everything you own — your car, home, other real estate, savings, investments, life insurance, superannuation, and personal possessions.
It’s worthwhile considering what happens to your estate assets when you pass away. They don’t automatically go to your spouse or partner or to your kids. Especially if you have a company, a trust or self-managed super fund, the complexity to your estate increases.
To ensure your wishes are carried out, you’ll need to provide instructions, via a will, stating to whom your assets are given, what exactly they’ll receive, and in what timeframe they will be received.
You’ll also want to ensure the least amount is paid out in taxes, legal fees, and court costs, and that the process is as streamlined and simple as possible for your loved ones to navigate whilst grieving.
At Navigate, we manage your documentation through lawyers specialised in this field. By doing this, we are able to provide you with a streamlined process, a single point of contact, as well as tailored recommendations based on your personal circumstances.